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Consumer Review: The Best Family Cell Phone Plans Out There
Family cell phone plans are usually a great way to save a little on your bill each month. Still, not all family plans are created equal. Read on to learn which consumer-reviewed plans can truly help your family save while providing all the services you need. Image via Flickr/Aaron Yoo Continue to original source.
How to Buy a New Laptop
The variety of laptops out there can make choosing a new laptop harder than ever. This guide will provide an overview of the things you should consider before purchasing. The first decision you must make is what platform you want to use. For example, is it going to be Windows 10, macOS, and Chrome OS? […]
How to Choose a Cell Phone for your Child
Giving your child a cell phone is a great way to maintain contact with them. But picking the right phone can be tricky. You need to consider important factors, such as cost and control, while meeting your children’s needs for games, apps, photos, etc. Here are some picks for the best cell phones available for […]
Personal Insurance. Back to Basics
It’s very important to understand how insurance works. It will make a big difference in the price you pay. Think carefully of your choice of insurance because it’s going to protect your lifestyle, assets, and personal property. Remember, insurance Is about financial security. When you know that you can’t afford to pay for a loss […]
Save Money by Making Money
Need money? Get to work! One of the best ways to save money quickly is to bring more money home. Work overtime. By increasing your hours temporarily, you’ll get the boost your wallet needs. Also, consider taking on a job after work or on the weekends. Many people find success with a side business. Offer […]
What happens to your Auto Insurance when You Move?
You may have to change your car insurance if you move states. So don’t waste time and find out now, if your auto insurance policy needs to be changed. Bear in mind that driving in a new state without car insurance is illegal. According to DMV.org, you should ask the insurance agent whether the company […]
Tips for Saving Money on Cable and Internet Service
Television and internet serve as main sources of entertainment in many households, but soaring prices are making it more difficult to maintain traditional services. Check out these tips for cutting your costs while maintaining these entertainment essentials. Image via Flickr/Ken Teegardin Continue to original source. https://www.moneysavingpro.com/tv-providers/how-to-cut-your-cable-bill/
How to Pay Less for Cable Television
Sure, there are lots of alternatives to cable these days. However, cable has a lot to offer and many people don’t wish to change their service. If you’re in this boat, read on to learn how you can keep your existing cable service while cutting your bill. Image via Flickr/CafeCredit.com Continue to original source https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisbrantner/2019/02/28/how-to-save-money-on-cable-in-2019/#5a21f03b6387
How to Prepare for Buying a Home
Saving up for a down payment is a key step for buying a house. That down payment will be put on the closing table, and it serves insurance for your lender. A nice size of a down payment reduces your monthly house payment, allowing you to have a shorter mortgage term so you can get […]